Some simple samples
- My first map
- Import data
- Map process
- Intervals on map
- Clients on a road map
- Import Shapefiles
Opening a map
- Menu Fichier -> Ouvrir un fond de carte (.msh)
- or drag and drop an .msh file from Migratio explorer
- Select first item to redraw the map
- You can add layers to a map by selecting the second option item
- The third option is to add polygons to an existing map
You can also execute this code :
Ouvre Fichier = 'SOURCES.FranceDepIGN_GEOREF' IsFondCarte ;
Select CARTE ;
BackGround Nom = Vierge ;
Border Nom = ActiveCaption ;
CalqueCouche NomCalque = 'CADRE ET ARRIERE-PLAN' NotVisible ;
Finproc ;